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Parent Handbook

Our Mission


We are a staff who strive to “Seek the Lord, Share His love, and Lead by example.”


“Look to the Lord and his strength; seek His face always.”

1 Chronicles 16:11


“In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness, and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us.”

Titus 2:7-8


We believe that to have a strong program, we must have a strong foundation. We strive to be a staff of integrity. Without this as our goal, our attitudes, values, and teachings are only skin deep. To be the light of the world that we are called to be, we, as leaders, must apply the same principles to our lives that we teach the children to apply to theirs. As staff leaders, we understand the impact that our actions and words have on your children and our community.


“Just as each part has a special function, so it is with Christ’s Body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other. In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well.”

Romans 12:4-8


Our staff consists of several diverse members, each bringing different skills, passions, and abilities to the program, creating a unique environment for your child to grow physically, mentally, and spiritually.




About Our Staff

Our group leaders must be at least 18 years of age, have a high school diploma or GED, and profess faith in Christ. Potential staff members go through an extensive interview process, and background checks are performed on all adults, both staff and volunteer.




Administrative Staff:

Matt Manor.....Program Director/Owner


Pearl Site:

Shawna Clark..............Site Director


Reservoir Site:

Taylor Self.................Interim Director


Hours of Operation

School Year:

Childcare: School dismissal until 6:00pm.

Office Hours: 12:00pm – 6:00pm.

Summer Camp/School Holidays:

Childcare: 6:30am – 6:00pm.



Enrollment Procedures

Parents will complete the online registration process on our website. A $75 registration fee is due to submit registration. All supply costs are built into tuition. The registration fee is due upon registration, as well as when returning from an unpaid leave.


Sign In/Out procedures

Parents will bring their child in the building, and sign in/out using the tablets at the reception desk. Please note that you may be asked for ID on any given day, especially if a different staff member is working pick-up than usual. ID's will be matched with the name that comes up with the PIN.


The Mississippi Department of Health requires copies of legal documentation to enforce court-ordered custody agreements.

Tuition Information

(A tuition agreement is signed at the beginning of each school year/summer break.  Parents are emailed a copy of forms completed online.)

Late pick-up fee

will be drafted from the account on file within 24 hours (regardless of who picks up).

Flat $5.00 fee 6:01 – 6:05. After 6:05, a $2/minute charge applies.

Our center closes at 6:00pm daily. At 6:30, we reserve the right to call local law enforcement or CPS.

Attendance Policy

If your child will not be at the school for us to pick up... Please be sure to notify us NO LATER THAN 1:00. A $10.00 fee will be applied to your account if you fail to notify us that your child will not be picked up from the school. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT SAFETY MEASURE TO ENSURE YOUR CHILD IS ACCOUNTED FOR. LOCATING/ACCOUNTING FOR A “MISSING” CHILD TAKES TIME AND DELAYS ALL FOLLOWING SCHOOL PICK-UPS.

Repeated failure to comply with this policy will result in dismissal from Son Seekers.


Behavior Management

Our program adheres to a disciplinary policy built on mutual trust, with group leaders and children working together to help children grow and mature.


In helping to direct the child toward self-discipline, the following guidance techniques are used:

  1. Positive statements are used in giving direction to behavior.

  2. Redirection is consistent with the child's needs.

  3. The child is given opportunities to make choices and solve problems.

  4. Suggestions are given in time to prevent conflicts.

  5. Comparisons of children are avoided.

  6. Unacceptable behavior is clearly explained and the child is told what is acceptable. Approval of acceptable behavior is clearly expressed.


Disciplinary methods used shall be based on guidance to help the child develop inner control, self- responsibility, respect for the rights of others, as he/she learns to cope with the daily experiences of living and working with others. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL CORPORAL PUNISHMENT BE USED OR TOLERATED BY ANYONE ON SITE. Verbal abuse will not be allowed-this means no yelling, no obscene language and no put downs between adults or between adults and children. Spanking, threatening, and withholding food cannot be used to discipline children.


The staff shall accept and respect every child for who he/she is as a unique individual. If a child's behavior becomes unacceptable, this shall be explained to the child in a positive way without humiliation, fright, or physical harm. The child shall then be helped to find a better way of resolving his/her problems or meeting his/her needs. Respect for his/her feelings shall be maintained.

Time Out

Time out may be used when additional guidance and redirection has not resolved the issue. Time out is no longer than one minute per year of age of the child.


Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect

If any symptoms of possible abuse or neglect are brought to our attention, whether it may be suspected from staff, family/guardians, or others, we are required by law to report it to the MS Department of Health. We take this matter very seriously regardless of who may be at fault. Please be aware it is in no way a means to offend anyone, but as you should understand, your child’s safety and well being is our main priority.


Son Seekers reserves the right to dismiss a child at anytime with or without prior notice if we feel that the child is exhibiting behaviors that are having a negative impact on other children/families. Our desire is that your family has the best experience possible while enrolled in our program.


Our Rules and Disciplinary Procedures

The goal of our program is for all students to have an enjoyable, safe place to be each day. To reach this goal, students must exhibit appropriate behavior. Our staff will use a positive behavior management plan to encourage and reward examples of good behavior. However, students who do not follow the rules or obey the staff's directions will be subject to disciplinary action.

The enrollment of your child is an agreement that you will, to the best of your ability, support our decisions regarding disciplinary actions and resolutions based on the information we have available to us. Cooperation and support between staff and parents/guardians is critical for your child to have a positive experience with us!

A negative or disapproving attitude toward Son Seekers staff in front of a child has proven to affect their perception and attitude toward the rules and staff in charge (even if it is a legitimate concern.) While enrolled we understand that you are trusting the Son Seekers staff to care for your child, and expect that to be conveyed to your child, in part by supporting our rules and consequences. There is always more to a story or situation than any one party can share, so any concerns or uncertainties should be brought to a director in a private meeting with an open mind, where the situation will be discussed and the director will be able to take any appropriate actions to follow up or resolve the issue.

Our center was designed from the ground up with your child's needs and wants in mind. We want your child to have the most enjoyable experience possible. With this in mind, we will not allow any child to exhibit behaviors that may adversely affect another child's attitude or experience here. We reserve the right to dismiss a child based on behavior we feel is causing a negative effect on the rest of their group.

Program Rules:

  1. Respect God and His Name

  2. Respect group leaders and peers

  3. Respect other’s rights and property

  4. Keep hands and feet to yourself

  5. Think about the right decision, and follow through


Please note that if your child is involved in any way in a fight (instigating, “throwing licks,” kicking, etc.) you will be notified immediately to come to the center and pick up your child for a one-day suspension. If your child is involved in a second fight in any way, he/she will be dismissed from the center. The director may choose to dismiss a child from the center after the first offense at their discretion.

We have zero tolerance for intentional mischief regarding other children's belongings (including damage, theft, etc.) We reserve the right to dismiss a child at the first occurrence of such an event, at our discretion, based on the evidence we have to review.


Behavioral Expectations

 At Son Seekers, we place a strong emphasis on promoting acceptable behavior and attitudes among both peers and staff. To attend Son Seekers, it is crucial for parents to be in alignment with the staff and directors on ensuring that children demonstrate respect towards the staff and interact positively with other children. This collaboration helps maintain an enjoyable environment for everyone.

   To uphold the integrity of our program, and to ensure that every child has their moment to shine (their fair share of positive attention!) we take a proactive approach in addressing disciplinary issues as they arise. If it is determined that a child may not thrive at Son Seekers, or that a child is impeding other children's abilities to have a positive experience, services may be ended with or without advance notice or documentation.


Electronic Device/Personal Items Policy

We do not allow children to bring outside electronics, toys, blankets, pillows etc. (unless otherwise noted for a special occasion – game day, etc.) This includes smart watches. Any personal items must remain in the child's bag. Items that need to be left to pass on to a different pick-up person may be left in the office. Son Seekers and it's staff are NOT responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged personal property.


Outdoor Play/Sun Safe Practices

Weather permitting, we will have one hour of outside playtime a day (more on holidays). Sun safe practices will be used during outdoor activities scheduled between the hours of 10am and 2pm. If parents prefer, they may provide sunscreen to be applied before going outdoors. Children will have adequate shaded areas and will be supplied with water as needed. During summer camp, please apply sunscreen before your child's arrival if we have any extended outdoor activities planned. Children are encouraged to participate in all activities unless physically unable.



A morning and afternoon snack will be provided for your child during a full day of care. It is the parent's responsibility to send a lunch daily with their child unless otherwise noted on the calendar. If a child does not have a lunch, one will be provided to them and a $10.00 charge will be applied to the account. Please be sure to make us aware of any food allergies your child has. If a child is on a special/restricted diet, snacks will need to be provided by the parent. Special needs should be discussed with the director. We will make every reasonable effort to accommodate your child’s special needs. Due to severe allergies within our center, please DO NOT send any items with peanut butter. *WOWBUTTER is an excellent peanut-free alternative. THE STICKERS ON THE CONTAINER MUST BE USED TO NOTIFY US.


Birthdays/Special Occasions

If you would like to bring treats for your child's group, please let us know in advance. All food items must be store bought with entire ingredient list. 



It is extremely helpful when you can administer medication before or after center hours. There may be times, however, when your child needs medication during the day. Only directors will administer medication. The medicine must be prescribed by your physician to that child, dated, labeled, and in its original container. We will not administer medicine without a completed medicine form on file in the office.


Children’s Dress Code

Children are encouraged to be dressed and groomed in a manner which reflects good taste, decency, and pride in appearance.

On specified days, children may be asked to bring clothes appropriate for water games – swimsuits or swim trunks with t-shirts or cover-ups over them. On these days, children may be asked to bring an extra dry set of clothing and a towel. Children will change clothes in private rooms/areas under the supervision of appropriate staff.

Please dress your child comfortably so that he/she can take advantage of all activities, indoor and outdoor. Your child should wear clothing which is washable and adaptable to food spills, paint, and water play. Be sure to provide clothing for seasonal changes.

You may send your child a change of clothes to be kept at the center. If a child does not have a change of clothes when needed, you will be notified to bring a change of clothes.


Homework Time

We will have a dedicated time Monday – Thursday for 1st - 5th grade children to work on homework. We do not currently accommodate homework that has to be done electronically/ through an internet connection. The setting will be conducive for school work, with quiet activities for those that have completed their work or had none. While our staff assists children as much as possible with any problems they may have, please understand that we do not have adequate staff to tutor children one-on-one. If you feel your child needs extra assistance outside of what we can provide in a group setting, we welcome you to hire an outside tutor to come to the center during hours.  Students are tutored in an isolated area away from all other children/staff. If a child is tutored outside of the center after school, and is in need of care afterward, it is your responsibility to find transportation for them; we are unable to make special pick-ups.



All vehicles used to transport children are owned by Son Seekers, and are properly serviced, maintained, and inspected. Vehicles are fully sanitized daily. Children are checked for fever and given hand sanitizer before loading. Each child has an assigned seat. We will use these vehicles both for school pick-ups as well as field trips. We currently only pick up from the following schools:

Pearl Site:

-Pearl Lower -Northside -Pearl Upper -Rouse -Stonebridge -Brandon Elem.

Reservoir Site:

-Flowood Elem -NWRE -Oakdale -Highland Bluff -Northshore

-We do not pick-up or accept children from the Learning Center/alternative schools.-

Field Trips

When taking a field trip, the safety of your children is our primary concern. You will be notified of all details in advance. Children on a field trip are required to adhere to safety control standards. We will notify you in advance of any additional cost.

Please remember your child should wear good comfortable clothes & shoes on field trips (such as tennis shoes and shorts). To keep everything running smoothly, and ensure the safety and preparedness of each child and staff member, ANY CHILD WHO IS NOT SIGNED IN BY THE DESIGNATED TIME ON THE CALENDAR/NOTICE WILL NOT BE ALLOWED ON THE FIELD TRIP AND WILL STAY WITH THE CLOSEST AGE GROUP ON SITE UNTIL THEIR GROUP'S RETURN.

Be sure your child comes already dressed in their swimsuit (under clothing) and has swim shoes or flip flops with them on water activity days. Also, please be sure to send an extra change of clothes for your child and that sunscreen is already applied.



Designated Holidays: Son Seekers will close on/around the following holidays:

Labor Day, Thanksgiving (Thursday and Friday), Christmas (2-3 Days), New Year’s Day, MLK Day , Easter (Friday, Monday), Summer staff development day, Memorial Day, July 4th

Holiday closings are subject to change. You will be notified in advance of any changes.



In the event of dangerous weather or other circumstances beyond our control, we reserve the right to close the center early or to not open any given day.  Due to fixed costs, tuition is not adjusted due to unscheduled closings.

PEARL SITE: Anytime Rankin County and Pearl Schools ARE CLOSED OR RELEASE EARLY due to weather we will not open either. If one school district closes and one remains open and dismisses at regular time, we will ONLY be open/pick-up for the unaffected school district.

RESERVOIR SITE: Anytime Rankin County Schools ARE CLOSED OR RELEASE EARLY due to weather we will not open either.


Emergency Evacuations:

Fire and tornado drills are held monthly. Children are guided in what to do in the event of a fire, tornado, or other situation.

By enrolling your child, you authorize us to relocate if necessary. (You will be notified ASAP) Our primary relocation site will be our other campus. If necessary to relocate otherwise, we will relocate to Oakdale Baptist Church, Crossgates Methodist Church, or other safe location.


Parent’s Visitation

Any adult who is not on staff that goes past the lobby doorway MUST check in with office staff first. Please notify office staff upon your arrival for a visitor tag if you plan on staying at the center for any length of time. 


Emergency Procedures

Emergency contacts should be updated regularly in the Procare Parent Portal. These are kept on file and will be contacted in the order requested.

Parents and then emergency contacts will be notified in case of the following:

  • If a child becomes ill or injured while at the center. Emergency contacts will be called if parents cannot be reached in a reasonable amount of time.

  • If a child is left at the center after 6pm.

  • If the center must close because of extenuating circumstances such as a weather emergency.



In the event of a minor accident at the center, first aid measures will be taken and an accident report form will be completed. The original accident report will be given to the parent, and a copy will be placed in the child’s folder in the office. Minor scrapes and bruises are treated with tender loving care. We do not call parents for every minor injury. Parents will be called in the case of accidents that are of a serious nature, or may need doctor’s attention. We will always call parents if their children experience one of the following:

  • Injury to the head or face

  • Injury that causes a great amount of bleeding

  • Injury or incident that upsets the child to the point of inconsolability

In the event of a serious accident or emergency, the child will be taken to the hospital by ambulance. Every effort will be made to contact parents immediately. If the parents cannot be reached, the center will attempt to reach the emergency contacts and then the physician listed on the Enrollment Information Form. In the event the child’s physician cannot be reached, an assigned member of the staff will stay with the child and secure needed medical treatment.


Son Seekers does NOT carry an accident/injury insurance policy.



Prevention and Management of Illness

We reserve the right to use our best judgment in any given situation concerning the health of a child or the effect it may have on other children. Including, but not limited to: sending a child home for reasons not listed, or requiring a longer period of time before the child can return. We may require a contagious skin condition to be covered that is not on this list. We may require a doctor's excuse to return if we believe a contagious condition exists that may affect other children (or staff). These are all measures we take to ensure the safety and health of your child, as well as each individual child in the center.

MDOH regulations supersede the regulations set by Brookside and the handbook will be updated as needed.For more information visit their website at .


We require that a child with the following conditions be excluded from the center until his/her recovery has reached a stage conducive to inclusion in regular center activities.  If a child is too ill to go outside at playtime, he/she is too ill to attend.  Unless otherwise noted, your child should be symptom free at least 24 hours before returning.


Fever: Defined as 100°F or higher taken under the arm, 101°F taken orally, or 102°F taken rectally. For children 4 months or younger, the lower rectal temperature of 101°F is considered a fever threshold. Diarrhea: Frequent (3 or more episodes in a 24-hour period) runny, watery, or bloody stools. According to CDC recommendations, a child who is not toilet trained and has diarrhea should be excluded from child care settings regardless of the cause.

Vomiting: Two or more times in a 24-hour period

Rash: Body rash with a fever 

Sore throat: Sore throat with fever and swollen glands 

Severe coughing: Red or blue in the face, or makes high-pitched whooping sound after coughing. 

Eye discharge: Thick mucus or pus draining from the eye 

Jaundice: Yellow eyes and skin 

Irritability: Continuous irritability and crying

Chicken Pox – until 7 days after the onset of rash or until all sores have scabbed over

Hand Foot Mouth Disease (Coxsackievirus): The child may return 3 – 6 days after no longer contagious.

Head Lice – The child may return 24 hours after treatment is begun and nits are no longer present. Proof of treatment (empty bottle/receipt or statement from treatment facility) must be shown to the director.

Impetigo or Staphylococcus(Staph) – The child may return 24 hours after treatment is begun.

*Impetigo MUST be completely covered AT ALL TIMES.

Molluscum – must be covered to prevent spreading to other children.

Mouth Sores – with drooling unless a physician determines the condition as non-infectious.

Pinkeye (purulent conjunctivitis) – after the condition has been evaluated and treated.

Rash with fever or behavior change – until a physician determines it is not a communicable disease.

Ringworm or Pinworm – The child may return 24 hours after treatment has begun.

*Ringworm MUST be completely covered AT ALL TIMES.

Roseola – after rash and fever are gone

Rotavirus – The child may return after the diarrhea stops for 24 hours which can be up to 9 days but no less than 2-3 days.

Scabies – the child may return 24 hours after one treatment with prescription cream.

Strep throat (Streptococcal pharyngitis) – Child may return to the center 24 hours after initial treatment and after 24 hours of being fever-free.

Viral or Bacterial infections – until treated and released by a physician.

Symptoms of possible severe illness: such as unusual lethargy, irritability, persistent crying, difficulty breathing, or other unusual signs. – until medical evaluation indicates inclusion.


All children and families have the right to expect that all information will be kept confidential. A child’s behavior and development should be discussed only with staff members and parents. A parent does not have the right to know who injured their child (pushing, fighting, etc.) They do, however, have a right to know the circumstances and how the children were cared for.

Children’s records are stored in secure file cabinets and computer files at the center. Only authorized personnel will be given access to personal information.


Photographs and Recordings

All children may be photographed or recorded with the understanding that a family’s privacy will be respected and honored. Teachers and students may also photograph or record children for the purpose of course assignments or for educational or scholarly purposes. Identifiable photographs/videos will not be used on the internet without prior specific approval from the parents.

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